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Poet Spotlight: Ody

This poem is inspired by the article "Issue Overview: Minimum wage" found at

minimum wage

Minimum wage Minimum wage how i wish i could get a raise. Why

must i get so little pay. Maybe i should move to California or Massachusetts

so i may get a better pay.or better

yet D.C. to get more than 8.50. It brings me joy when i see how much minimum wage has been raised. But

at least i don't have a worst pay than people in 1938 who got payed 75 cents a hour. It pains

me to see how much inflation has done to this country.

Why must i live the pain of getting less pay?

Why should i be paid less then other people?

woe is me for i get paid less than others.

Author's explanation

In my poem "minimum wage" I used many line breaks and punctuation marks to represent the meaning of the poem. If you noticed, in the first few set of lines there are line breaks to cut the line short to go along with the theme of the poem on how most people these days don't get paid enough. I also cut the lines to show when people don't get paid enough they don't feel important. I tried to make most of the poem rhyme to make it sound nice. If you notice i uncapitalize most letters like i are to go with the theme people don't get paid enough. I hoped you enjoyed my poem.

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